10 things you should do to protect yourself on a public computer

We all need to use a public computer now and again and we at Secure Data Recycling would like to pass on the following tips for using a public computer, knowledge we have gleaned over years of removing unwanted and private data from clients computers.

  1. Delete your browsing history
  2. Don’t save any files locally on the PC
  3. Don’t save any passwords
  4. Don’t do online banking
  5. Don’t enter any credit card information
  6. Don’t enter any personal information such as addresses and birthdays etc
  7. Delete temporary files
  8. Clear the pagefile
  9. Reboot
  10. Ensure no one else can see what you are doing

We know that’s a tough list as when you need to use a public computer you generally need to book a flight or transfer money etc, BUT remember it is just that a PUBLIC computer.

To understand more about safe computer usage contact Secure Data Recycling