IT Asset Management
If you are a Leasing Company or Finance House one of the key elements to your success will be the management and handling of the leased assets at the end of their life.
The problem with IT is that it devalues so quickly, not only could the asset be worth nothing at the end of it’s life, it could actually costs you money in having the data destroyed and the product recycled under WEEE guidlines.
It is all too easy to focus on the next funding deal and forget the details of processing the assets at the end of their life.
Often this can be the difference between a profit and a loss!
Secure Data Recycling are not saying that they will take all your old IT and turn it into Gold, that is impossible and any company that claims to do that will soon become a disappointment to you.
What we do at Secure Data Recycling is give you visibility, we give you a reality check on your old IT assets, advise on when to sell, can the units be repaired/maintained and the lease period extended or do they need to be destroyed.
Once you’re working with Secure Data Recycling you will get the best advice, where we can recycle we will, where items have to be destroyed we will do so and in an approved and competitive fashion.
For more advice on Asset management contact us at Secure Data Recycling.