Proprietary or Competition Sensitive Information
The definition of Proprietary or Competition Sensitive Information is:
This is information that would potentially harm an organization if it were obtained by a competing or hostile entity. Secure destruction of such information is not only important in keeping competitors from accessing and using such information to the detriment of the organisation, but also to demonstrate due diligence in defending trade secret information.
Failure to demonstrate such diligence in protecting trade secret information puts the organisation at risk of losing the ability to defend trade secret protection rights in a court of law and may result in waiver of any legal privilege or other legally recognised right of confidentiality it may have had.
Well that is a pretty heady statement, but, how much will a company spend on Patents and Research and development. If you are a large pharmaceutical company developing a new drug, the investment is enormous!
Data destruction of often just associated with personnel records, but at Secure Data Recycling we stress the need to be aware of Company Sensitive Information.
Contact Secure Data Recycling to understand more about our processes.