Directors fined for exporting WEEE to Africa.
We took an excerpt from Roxanne Sadeghi of B2B Compliance who wrote about a recent case:
“Two company directors and their company have been ordered to pay £130,000 for illegally exporting 187 tonnes of hazardous WEEE to six African countries between 2011 and 2015. One of the directors was also given a 9 month suspended sentence.
The prosecution, brought by the Environment Agency, follows their officers finding eleven shipping containers full of electrical waste destined for Nigeria, Ghana and Tanzania – where there are insufficient controls to avoid pollution and harm to people and the environment”.
We at Secure Data Recycling blog week in week out about the recycling of old IT and why it should be done properly to save the environment.
Do it properly in 2016, use a professional company like Secure Data Recycling and DON’T cut corners.