75% of Waste is still not recycled!


According to the Environmental Protection Agency, in the United States alone, about 75% of waste that ends up in landfill could be recycled.

In 2016 that to us at Secure Data Recycling is an amazing figure, one of the problems with recycling is that it takes effort, a conscious effort to sort through your waste and organise it into electronics, metals, plastic, glass, wood etc.

Let’s face it we all have more interesting things to do with either our home life or our business life.

At Secure Data Recycling we can only advise you to take more care over you home waste, but we can make a huge difference to your corporate waste.

Helping you structure a waste management plan and supplying you with easy ways in which your employees can sort waste without actually “Wasting” time.

Contact Us at Secure Data Recycling to understand more about how we can help you plan your waste management.