Councils losing personal data four times a day!

According to a report by Ian Dury of the Daily Mail  we quote:

“Bungling councils have lost or wrongly shared the sensitive personal information of tens of thousands of people, a damning report reveals today.

Officials breach data rules at least four times a day, often involving the confidential details – including medical records – of countless adults and children.

In one incident: Glasgow City Council was fined £150,000 following the theft of two un-encrypted laptops that held 20,143 names and addresses along with the bank details of more than 6,000 people”

But help is at hand!

If you are a Local Authority and worried about articles like this by Ian, contact the experts at Secure Data Recycling and we will help not only dispose of your old IT, but help you manage and track your live assets as well as training and educating your staff.

With Secure Data Recycling you can make sure you never are in the limelight for all the wrong reasons!
