CRTs and Old Monitors

Man holding a computer monitor at a recycling center

You would not believe how many old monitors we still recycle at Secure Data Recycling, often not used and collecting dust in a backroom or cupboard but Monitors with Cathode Ray Tubes (CTR’s) are still in circulation!

Cathode ray tubes (CRT’s) are mainly used in either computer monitors or televisions. Handling of CRT’s can present a danger of implosion.

Never mind the components inside, they are a danger to your staff, especially as you probably shift the old ones from A to B as they are no longer used!

One of the main functions of recycling a CRT tube is the removal of the fluorescent coating; The objective of the removal of the fluorescent coating is to ensure that it does not cause pollution or harm.

Secure Data Recycling can not only recycle your old CRT monitors but replace them with recycled LED Monitors at a fraction of the price of a new one.

Secure Data Recycling aims to help you manage your WEEE requirements and keep your costs down.