Make sure your recycler is WEEE approved

There are still many illegal operators in our market place, take the story about one Terence Solomon Dugbo, 45, of High Ash Avenue, Leeds, who was sentenced following an Environment Agency investigation and a seven-week trial over alleged crimes dating back to 2011.

The Agency claims that the sentence is the largest recorded for an environmental crime in the UK.

This gentleman was pretending to have WEEE approval and was convicted of committing waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) evidence fraud worth up to £2.2 million was handed a seven year and six month jail sentence at Leeds Crown Court on Friday (July 15).

The thing with this is, all the data contained in the products he collected was never disposed of properly, sure he ended up in jail but now his clients should be worried.

Because if the data contained in those items ends up in the wrong hands they are responsible NOT Mr Dugbo.

Please don’t cut corners to save cash, contact professional approved companies such as Secure Data Recycling.
