Just 13% of healthcare employees are restricted from logging onto multiple devices
“Concurrent logins, manual logoffs, password sharing, and a lack of unique logins are putting patient records at risk, new research has revealed.
A report by security software provider; IS Decisions, found that, despite increased pressure from the Information Commissioner’s Office on NHS data protection practices; 87% healthcare staff are still able to log on to different devices and workstations concurrently, just 37% are required to manually log-off, and 44% do not have unique logins.
Information of this critical and confidential nature should only be accessible by authorised users and it really should not be a complicated process”
This for us a Secure Data Recycling is such a key issue, it basically means that your data is being accessed on multiple devices on relatively unsecure devices.
Sure most PC’s at the end of their life are wiped clean of data and recycled by companies such as SDR, but what about the portable and mobile devices?
To ensure all you IT is managed properly contact Secure Data Recyling