No 10 in the List of Environmental Issues – Used lead–acid battery recycling
At this festive time of year it is very easy to focus on what is happening close to home, rather than thinking about the environmental issues that we humans create.
So here is our Christmas Countdown to a better world
#10. Used lead–acid battery recycling
These are used everywhere, a good example of a lead acid battery is a “car battery”. Although they can be recharged, after a number of cycles, they lose their ability to hold energy and become hazardous waste. The main problem here is the release of lead. The fact that in many countries the recycling operations and facilities are located in areas with very limited control, makes the problem a lot more serious.
This also still applies here in the UK many lead acid batteries still end up in landfill.
This issue with batteries in general is one that we at Secure Data Recycling deal with every day, the modern lithium batteries use a huge amount of the Worlds resources and need to be recycled properly