eWaste market to top $1.8bn in 2017

A report by Frost & Sullivan says e-waste has bounced back from the global slowdown, when it was badly hit by a steady decline in the price of steel and plastics, to become one of the fastest-growing sectors within the global waste industry.

The report comes just weeks after the EU upgraded its WEEE directive, forcing member states to impose new recovery and recycling targets on electronics manufacturers and retailers, while also introducing tough new penalties for non-compliant companies and member states.

From 2016, countries will have to collect 45 per cent of electronic equipment sold and have it disposed of by approved recycling or disposal companies such as Secure Data Recycling, rising to 65 per cent of equipment sold – or 85 per cent of electronic waste generated – by 2019.

Of course this is great news for us at Secure Data Recycling, we are ready for the increase in business and look forward to supporting companies with their returns and recycling processes.