The Mobile Issue


The problem with portable devices, phones, tablets, charges, ipods etc is that the are small and therefore disposable.

Robert Barham of Phone Shop UK says ” All those old cell phone chargers you chucked into a bin…….are all in a landfill somewhere, polluting our planet.”

In fact 14,000,000 junked mobile phones (weighing over 65,000 tonnes) reach our nation’s landfills each year – releasing an astounding 80,000 lbs of highly toxic lead.

In addition to the chargers and associated peripherals that go with all our handheld devices.
If you take a look at home you will probably find several old chargers, phones, USB sticks etc. The next question is when you decide to throw them away do you arrange for them to be recycled or as they are small just drop them into your household waste?

It is also worth noting that it is not just an environmental issue, those devices contain information about you, that identity thieves would love. Not sure what to do with your devices and want to understand more about the threat that mobile devices pose to the environment contact us at Secure Data Recycling.