The right to be forgotten


We dug this up this week a fascinating piece of EU legislation..”The right to be forgotten”

The right to be forgotten has already been a hot topic as both Google and Microsoft rush to remove outdated personal data from internet searches in response to a European Court of Justice ruling. But that ruling is just the thin end of the wedge as the EU attempts to provide a Europe-wide regulation to replace the UK Data Protection Act.

Importantly, it will offer citizens far more control over their personal data – including a right to ask for it to be deleted or corrected – and huge fines for companies that negligently breach the regulations. These could reach 5 per cent of global turnover or €100m whichever is greater.  A requirement for every company that handles data and has more than 25 employees to employ a Data Protection Officer is also likely to be included.

So therefore if you see old, out of date data on yourself or your company, the website or organisation publishing it BY LAW must either take it down or get it updated.

Don’t leave old information live on the Net contact Secure Data Recycling to understand more about data security.