Think Recycle before you buy!
We all tend to focus on recycling when it’s time to get rid of something.
But really we are treating the symptom not the cause, in addition to buying recycled goods, keep a keen eye out for recyclable goods.
Whenever you purchase something packaged, think about how you can reuse the packaging, return it to a shipping store for reuse, or try to otherwise recycle it.
If you get something likely to run down or wear out over time, such as an electronic component, give preference to the model that can be easily upgraded or cannibalized for parts so that you don’t have to junk the whole thing if one part breaks.
Products that are impossibly fused together are often called “monstrous hybrids” and are, while often cheaper up front, frequently unfixable and unrecyclable.
At Secure Data Recycling we ask you to “Think Recycle before you buy”