Waste Industry reacts to Conservative win!
Ian Hetherington, Director General of the BRMA, said: “We hope that the whole topic of waste, reuse, recycling, resource efficiency and the treatment of unrecyclable residues is debated fully in place of the fractured sub-topical monologues that has characterised recent years.
“The recycling industry has done a great deal to further this agenda, but we do need a strong lead from the government to ensure that the positive value of material destined for recycling is not frittered away by the over-zealous and over-complicated enforcement of regulations designed for genuine problem wastes.”
Speaking on behalf of waste management company FCC Environment, Sales and Marketing Director Kristian Dales, said that “recycling rates in England have plateaued under the Conservative’s leadership.”
He added: “The Conservative government will face some tough challenges such as achieving the 50 per cent recycling target by 2020 in light of England’s flatlining recycling rate.”
He went on “Our industry urgently needs consistent legislative and economic drivers from the government to encourage investment in infrastructure and market growth to reverse the stagnation of recycling rates. It’s the responsibility of the waste management and resource sector to work within the framework of regulations to drive up recycling and energy recovery rates.”
Click Here to read the full article by Edward Perchard
At Secure Data Recycling we will continue to use best practices and improve efficiencies in recycling, whatever legislation is passed our way!