What are “Conflict Minerals”

For example the average smartphone contains conflict minerals, including gold, tin, tantalum and tungsten, all of which can fund rebel groups.

conflict-minerals-300x199In other words Countries that are at war with themselves and each other and mines controlled by rebel groups all produce the key elements needed in electronic equipment.

The ever increasing demand for electronic devices means that some manufacturers will purchase the raw materials from mines that are controlled by rebels.

This, for us at Secure Data Recycling is one of the most frustrating realities of the modern world, we know that if electronic devices are recycled properly the raw materials needed for new electronic devices can be obtained from old electronic devices.

The problem is the percentage of devices recycled by companies such as Secure Data Recycling is small compared to the number of electronic devices dumped in the third world.

Image from Sam Woolfes excellent report in the Backbencher