What devices store data?
We have posed this question, as when we collect old IT equipment we’re generally presented with the PC itself.
BUT and it’s a BIG BUT!
What about the data stored on:
- Mobile Phones
- Tablets
- Printers
- Portable hard-drives
- Memory Sticks
- Floppy Disks
- Etc
It is all too easy in any organisation to move data around using portable storage devices. These portable devices are generally small and easily lost!
You will have a handle on how many phones are lost as you have to buy new ones, but how many memory cards and portable hard drives that go missing, that’s another thing altogether.
Often they are just purchased with the stationary budget!!! AHHHH!!!!
All portable memory devices need to be held on a central register, all need to be returned and destroyed at the end of their life.
Also data through these portable drives is often transferred to employees home computers, so you need to arrange for staff to have their own PC’s cleaned prior to sale. Make your staff aware of their legal obligations!
For more information contact Secure Data Recycling