Why scan your documents?
This question is probably the best place to start when considering scanning a collection of records. Knowing your reasons for scanning will help you make the best decisions when planning your project.
Share and track records easily
Scanning your records can help you share the information in those records instantly with a variety of users, such as staff and customers in multiple locations. Scanned records can eliminate the need for costly reproduction and mailing. They are also easier to track electronically.
Secure Data Recycling can convert your records to a standard format and can help you build and index a centralized repository to help you track records.
Prepare for disasters
Scanned records can be an integral part of your company’s disaster recovery plan. Scanned documents provide backup copies of your paper vital records in an easily portable digital format.
This provides extra assurance that you will be able to access the information in the records should disaster strike. Secure Data Recycling can also provide secure record storage.
Respond to audits and discoveriess
This is important if your company has a tax inspection or perhaps wants to go through Due diligence prior to investment or sale, scanning your records ensures no key data is lost.
Paper records are vulnerable to a number of threats. Secure Data Recycling has helped companies salvage records that have been damaged and preserve digital images of these records.
Protect aging paper originals
If your data includes fragile paper records, scanning can offer significant benefits. Digitizing fragile records preserves the integrity of the originals by allowing them to be handled less. And often, the scanning process increases legibility of aging or hard-to-read records.
Save money and free up office space
Storing paper records in the prime real estate of your agency’s office is extremely costly. If you have paper records that are currently taking up space in your office, digitizing these records can save you both storage space and money. If your paper records are stored by Secure Data Recycling, scanning them can save you money on reference requests, since you can instantly access the information in the digitized records rather than placing repeated requests for the paper records.
To understand more about Record management contact Secure Data Recycling.